Sunday, December 30, 2007

Top 15 in '07 Part XIII - iPhone

At the very beginning of 2007 Apple unveiled their beauty of a gadget, the iPhone. I'll never forget gazing at the front page of the Fresno Bee with anticipation, waiting for the day that an iPhone would be mine.

That day came shortly after the iPhone was officially released in June, the perfect birthday gift! The iPhone is everything that I'll ever need in an electronic device: music and video playback, calendar, email, the internet (on which I constantly check my Google Reader feeds), text messaging, the iTunes music store, camera, YouTube, AND a phone! With more to come, because Apple will keep updating the firmware and releasing more capabilities for (hopefully) a long time to come.

Also, the iPhone's just a beauty in terms of design and execution. The screen is sharp and crystal clear, it's super thin, and the whole touch screen thing just makes it so cool.

I can't fail to mention that my iPhone would be nothing without my MacBook Pro which also came about in 2007. Thank you Apple for creating some awesome products that have revolutionized electronics and have made me a Mac convert.

1 comment:

JewleeyaB said...

OMG thats my dream phone!!

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