Saturday, October 30, 2004

everyone's changing and i don't feel the same

good good day. relaxing, a little classing, a little eating, some brandieying, some kliewering, scene it-ing. good day overall, i give it an A.

tomorrow has opening in store, then chilling with Brandie and doing homework. i have a good feeling about tomorrow. stay tuned to see how it all pans out.

until next time

Friday, October 29, 2004

free your mind

i just got some new cd's tonight. snow patrol and further seems forever. i know i'm late on the bandwagon with them, but i don't care, i love getting new music.

go schlichting one, fight the good fight, i'm rooting for ya

not much is going on in my head right now. i'm tired. i want it to rain some more.

anthropology can eat it tomorrow! so can work! booyeah!

i welcome the kliewer company tomorrow night! party!

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

watch over this vine

what remains of today
the stranger next to me
this piece of machinery
hear you me
tap tap tap tap tap

cry me a river
bridges can fills the gaps
what happens in the mind?
you can take the high road
make a mistake
wonder how it ends

show me your inside
i want to curl up there
rest in the comfort of safety
i can afford the mystery
as close to you as i can be

little miss rounded face
coloring of the eyes
shape of the mouth

what is going to happen
i ask i ask
try it out
leap in faith
you will lead me

you will lead me

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

take a risk, take a chance, make a change

i've had a really good day today. it rained again, that was awesome. it was not awesome that my suede jacket got soaked, but oh well. no work once more = happiness. i had the whole afternoon to catch up on some reading and ripping christmas cd's baby!

worship practice went really well tonight, i had a good time and was reminded of some things. some God things, it was really cool. and i always have fun with the team, so it was a good time, and a worshipful time which is also good.

yes you are thinking correctly, this is kelly clarkson's new album cover. lets just let it be known that i think she's awesome. american idol thing aside, she has a great voice, and i really enjoy her. needless to say, me coming across this picture today, i became very very excited and i now am anticipating even more her sophmore release "breakaway" which is being released on november 30th. honestly i can't wait. what can i say? i'm a sucker for some good pop music with a good voice backing it.

never be the same, never feel this way again

how come everyone is being encouraged to vote? i think everyone should be encouraged to educate themselves first, then go out and make the right decision in their eyes. that's what i'm going to do come election day. because it's my civic duty. and the american way. or whatever.

i don't really like politics that much, so this will be the last you'll hear from me on this subject.

so it's around this time that i like to bust out some Christmas tunes a little early. i recommend a little amy grant "Christmas album" or michael w. smith's "christmas". for some newer stuff i'd say michael buble or jaci velasquez. all good stuff.

and since Christmas is so fastly approaching, i am going to post for all blog readers to see, my newly minted Christmas 2004 list.

drum roll please....

----*----Jason's 2004 Christmas List----*----

Gilmore Girls DVD
No more lives torn apart
Weezer Deluxe Blue Album
Batman Animated series volumes I and II DVD
Wars would never start
Saved! DVD
Eternal Sunshine DVD
Time would heal all hearts
Star Wars Trilogy DVD
Everyone would find a friend
Seinfeld seasons 1-3 DVD
Right would always win
The O.C. DVD
Love would never end
Weezer DVD
Big Fish DVD

*Up for revision for things I think of or might buy before Christmas*

Sunday, October 24, 2004

midterm break r.i.p.

i'm officially back and in business. i've been neglecting mr. bloggy bloggerton the past couple days....but that's because i've been investing my time in far better things. mainly spending time with my lovely girlfriend Brandie and spending tons of money. two things that i really like doing. so SF was awesome. the trip up was great, the time spend there was great, the things bought there were great, the cheesecake factory was great, the marc broussard show was great (!!), woo, it was just great overall if you haven't been able to tell.

it was just so nice to get out of fresburg for a while. i mean, it had been such a nice week with the rain and overcast and all, but being in the rain in SF is just a little bit better.

so then today we get back, take a little nap, then go to fashion fair to finish up on the shop-fest. Brandie never found pants so we went on over and got some. then we got BJ's for dinner. so maybe it is the hip new joint in fresno, but i don't care, we go there a lot, i'm not sad to admit it....cause it's good ok?! get off my back! pizookies! yeah!

so yeah, now i'm back here doing laundry and homework....or trying to do homework. and i should really go now. go buy/steal/download marc broussard's album, or even better, if you can get your hands on a copy of one of his live shows. do it.

i also gave marc himself a copy of my band Ashlan's demo. Rock.

p.s. i finally did get that haircut. then i left my hair stuff at henry's

Thursday, October 21, 2004

can't hold us down!

not much to report tonight. wow smallville was gay. still good, but it was kinda borderline weird. ok it was straight up weird. then emily, michael and arnie joined Brandie and I and we watched "Spellbound", its a documentary about a spelling bee and it is really hilarious. go watch it.

not much else to report tonight. no work tomorrow till 1! party! i think i'm gonna get a haircut as well.....we'll see how the day progresses

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

i always believed in futures

my midterm went good today, i was happy. and i suffered through my other two classes....but no work! these instances are so fleeting, cause i work tomorrow and thursday. oh well, san fran to look forward to still.

so baja fresh gave me really bad gas tonight....whoo! that baja is definitely still fresh! just ask Brandie.

i checked out Huck Finn today cause I've never read it and i want to have my own informed opinion of this "classic" book. i hate it when people have an opinion on something, whether it be a book, album, movie, show, and they've never even had an experience with it. so rather than being ignorant, i'm taking a step to a more better understanding. that's why i want to watch fahrenheit 9/11 as well. as much as i would like to hate michael moore, i don't have any grounds to say anything about him when i haven't seen one of his films.

so jimmy's album is still amazing....something about having the finished product in my hands, the artwork (which is great) the actual CD's a lost art

i'm praying that God can give me patience with work, because it is really frustrating me right now. i'm just tired of being there so much. i think it'll be ok though'll still be hard, but i'm doing what needs to get done, and i know i'm being given the strength to do it

Monday, October 18, 2004

i look at my environment and wonder where the fire went

agh! must hurry! it's almost another day! so i have a midterm tomorrow, but i'm not scared. i'm gonna study during my first two classes. i am mainly so excited about two things tomorrow: 1. i don't have work! and 2. jimmy eat world's new album, "Futures" comes out! Go pick it up, i downloaded it a couple months ago and it's amazing. they write some amazing songs with great melodies and harmonies. definitely go pick that up and make their debut week a big one.

so last week christina aguilera's live dvd came out, and i am going on record to say that she is an amazing live performer. and maybe i'm jealous that one of my friends got to see her last summer in L.A. I am so there next time she comes to california.

i am so excited, once again, about marc broussard this sat. in san fransisco. i am also excited to take Brandie there and take her shopping for her birthday. just a nice day alone with her, shopping, eating, seeing a concert

it doesn't get any better

Sunday, October 17, 2004

ms. morrison you're killing me!

so much to catch up on tonight. reading for classes tomorrow, studying for midterms, running cause i've been eating crap lately. it'll get done. i'm so tired though cause i got up at 6:25 to be at new covenant church this morning. the FPU worship team played there this morning. the president of the school spoke, it was cool. it's always a good time with those guys. then we all went to red robin! and in "we all" i mean, me, Brandie, my parents, Sean, and Nana and Papa. sooo good. i was going to, and should've gotten, a salad, but i went right ahead and got a Royal. the best.

i'm going running now!

everything you drop is so tired

lauryn hill! i'm rediscovering her miseducation. we play it in starbucks, and now in my car.

i'm really tired i've had a long day. at work all day, then my house for my nana's 70th birthday, then the islamic cultural center after that.

then me and Brandie got to hang out for the remainder of the night. so it ended up being really good....but i'm tired still.

i need to do some homework's midterms this week, then san fransisco and marc broussard with Brandie!!! so. excited. about. that.

i'm going to bed now

Thursday, October 14, 2004

maybe tomorrow

today ended up being a pretty good day. i ditched my first two morning classes, got to sleep in a little bit which i think helped make my day as good as it was. then i met with my linguistics teacher, which wasn't painful or knock-down-drag-out as i thought it would be. after class i went to the store and bought food! i've needed it! i worked from 3:15 to close, then me and Brandie went to riverpark. i was looking for a new book by this author Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, she's awesome. it was only in hardcover and like $21, so i didn't get it. amy grants greatest hits was expensive too. but Brandie had coldstone, and it was nice to get off campus for a bit.

i know this one's kinda short today, but i need/want to read more of "Ceremony". i'm gonna go do that now, and drink coffee.

papered/worked/schooled out

i just finished a paper for my intro to linguistics class. which is a stupid class. that's all i want to say about it, cause i want this place to be a place of peace.

so techincally, it's thursday now, but it's still wednesday in my mind cause i'm still awake. i'm gonna not go to some classes tomorrow so i can sleep in. i have my priorities.

i was kinda upset tonight cause i came home from work and the vcr was not recording Smallville which had been on for a full 13 minutes! one of my roommates was supposed to set the vcr to record it, but i guess he forgot. oh well, me and Brandie still got to watch 45 minutes of it, and Brian's girlfriend Heather recorded it all, so we can catch up on it later.

today one of my teachers just poured genuis onto the entire class. she was trying to get us to discuss that book "Ceremony" which i was talking about earlier. nobody was really biting, so for the last 10 minutes or so, she went off about how the world is fragile, and that we all have these webs that are our lives. they are strong in and of themselves as webs, but they can also break easily. she kept asking, "how does that work?" and she'd never give the answer. i can't remember much else, but i was totally there with her with each word she spoke. it was trance-like. cool stuff like this is never supposed to happen in a class, but it does, and the sad thing is, i don't think everyone was in on it. when she was done and dismissed us, me and my friend Emily just sat there for a few seconds, soaking in and processing what had just happened. other peopel got up quickly, started talking about lunch and crap. maybe none of that matters though. for a few moments i was in this beautiful headspace that was both depressing and glorious.

i felt like crying because i was so sad and so happy.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

OGG files mean nothing to me!

it's a late night once again. this is the only part of the day that i can actually relax a little. everything's done. now all i have to look forward to is sleep, and that doesn't seem to last very long.

i'm kind of obsessed with old school Amy Grant right now. such good stuff. i'm being completely honest. i grew up on only Christian music, it was only in junior high when i discovered "secular" music. all the stuff i love now. i don't know, it seems like Christian music in the 80's was SO much more creative! you had Amy, Michael W. much more musicality than there is now. back then they seemed to be creating art, not trying to copy things that are part of the popular culture just so there is a "christian alternative". that's a copout. i take original, forward-thinking good music opposed to that any day.

i'm reading this book right now called "Ceremony" by Leslie Marmon Silko for my multicultural lit. class. I'm just now getting as far into it as i need to for class, but the book is really beautiful. it's about the return of an Indian from world war II and all the crap he is going through. it's written in this really free form style. goes back before the war, to "current" time, there's poetry weaved throughout. it is really a thought-provoking story, i like it a lot.

as i continue to search for hidden amy grant treasures on Kazaa, i say goodnight

Monday, October 11, 2004

Spirit take me up in arms again

I am so tired right now. I've had a really long day. Classes 9-12, work 12:30-4:30, night class 5:15-8:15, time with Brandie/homework 8:30-10, module meeting 10-10:45, and now here i am once more.

my night class was cool though. i can't believe I actually like a class. i don't feel like my time is being wasted when i'm in there. today we were talking about whether in literary texts if the author is lost when someone reads for themselves. everyone brings their own experiences and interpretations to the text, so are texts really ever the same? the class created a poem out of eight random phrases that people wrote down, and we analyzed it and talked about whether it was a poem or not. i think it is, and it's a good one:

Kill Two Birds W/One Stone

I see dead people
cause there's beauty in the breakdown
It's freezing cold in here
The author needed it to happen
Catch me if you can
This is the culmination of my being
Slower than frozen molasses

so i am so looking forward to mid-term break. me and Brandie are going to san fransisco to shop for her birthday and go see Marc Broussard! he is this awesome artist, everyone should check him out. i'm just looking forward to spending some time with Brandie and not having to worry about school for a few days. but inevitably school will begin once more and the cycle will continue. i can't wait to graduate.

it's in times like these that i really look for the little beauties that life has to offer. i really try to be open to what God is showing me. even if it's just listening to a song or getting a voicemail from my girlfriend.

thank God for music and people

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Day One: a nice sunday

This is my attempt at one of these blogs. I always find myself with nothing to do online, so i'm hoping this will be an outlet for me to get things off my chest, and to share things that I love with people.

Today I woke up and went to Ev. Free Fresno's 2nd service at 9:30. I never get to sleep in anymore....i think that's what happens when you get older, it sucks. then i went to this get together with the people I work with. it was a potlock, it was ok, kind of awkward conversations. you know, like when you kinda know someone, then you're in these situations where you have to socialize, then it's questions like "so you live in fresno? oh, where did you go to school?" small talk crap. nice people tho

so last night me and Brandie went to the fresno fair. worst fair experience ever. we waited in line outside for 20 minutes JUST TO GET IN! it was insane. we bought jumbo dogs when we first got in....$5 each!! insane again. then i was getting ketchup and i was doing one of those things where you hold the container with the same hand you pump the ketchup out with which = me getting ketchup on my foot and sandal. good times at the big big big big big fresno fair. all this on top of me being semi-sick. so i'm in this weird not-all-there head space, with ketchup on my foot eating by the cow milking station. so we battled the sea of people to go get kettle corn and a cinnamon roll. in the end, the night was good cause the switchfoot show was sooo awesome! i'm so glad we had tickets, it was pa-acked hardcore. they put on a really good show though. so that's what i'm listening to now, their albume "The Beautiful Letdown". Really good, i recommend it.

so here i am now, i have band practice at 5, then homework homework! oh yeah, i'm in a band called Ashlan, and last friday we got the boot from Borders cause they didn't have clearance from security for us to play outside. boo the man! he got us down this time, but he'll get his.

About Me

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I watch a lot of TV. I listen to a lot of music. I read a lot of magazines/books. I like to write about them all.