Monday, November 26, 2007

It's the most awesomest time...

Tonight Brandie and I busted out our Christmas decorations. It's our second Christmas as a married couple and we have some awesome decorations if I do say so myself. We haven't gotten our tree yet, much to my disappointment, but Brandie has a good point in that if we wait just a little bit more it will last longer and hopefully not give us as much grief in the clean-up department as our tree last year did (NOT good times...)

So here are some pics, just imagine Amy Grant Christmas music playing in the background and you'll get a feel for what this evening was like

(Keep an eye out for the 3rd Wiseman in the Nativity Scene. Guess Dollar Tree thought 2 Wisemen were enough)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

2007's Most Entertaining

Today I received the newest Entertainment Weekly in the mail, which is a momentous occasion in and of itself, but this issue is the 25 entertainers of the year. Which inspired me to do something similar with my blog.

So coming soon are my "15 Most Entertaining Things of the Year" (25 was aiming a little too high)

By years end hopefully everything that has entertained me will be summed up while I look forward to an equally entertaining '08

Friday, November 16, 2007

I couldn't breave

Everyone knows I love me some pop music, well i got some more coming your way. It's a song from american idol winner Jordin Sparks (who never impressed me very much; no one really did last season) featuring Chris Brown. Like i said, I like me some pops, which chris brown usually doesn't do, he's more on the almost hip hop with featured rappers spectrum. HOWEVER i can't get this song out of my head, it's quite good. Very good actually.


About Me

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I watch a lot of TV. I listen to a lot of music. I read a lot of magazines/books. I like to write about them all.