Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Who Knew?

Rascal Flatt's new CD "http://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gifStill Feels Good" has barely started warming up my CD player and iPhone, but I'm already loving a really random collaboration between them and Jamie Foxx on the song "She Goes All The Way"...i know! Random huh?

I was listening to the album last night after downloading it and I heard this song, and immediately was like "who's singing with them?" It took some work digging through the digital booklet to find out that it was Jamie Foxx; and I found it especially odd that no where on the track name or anywhere else obvious does it say he's featured on the track. Nevertheless....check out the song, whether that means the 30 sec clip on itunes or stumbling across it on the web


Madi said...

Hi Jason! Becky Kruse was my roommate at FPU so I was reading her blog and clicked on yours. To my surprise I saw that you like Matt Wertz....I thought I was the only one in Fresno who loved him! I'm seeing him this Wednesday. But I was wondering, how did you hear about him?

Jason said...

hey madi. That's awesome that you like matt wertz too! My wife loves him a lot, she always listens to his albums in her car. What we want to know is where are you seeing him? We've really wanted to see him live for a while now! I heard about him randomly through some music blog a while back. Then i just went and downloaded all his stuff and now im a fan! Youll have to help keep me updated on matt news!

Madi said...

Dude. Can I just brag and say that he remembered me? I walked up to say hi and he said, "MARIANA!! How are ya?" Fanfreakintastic. He played at Chapman Univ. in Orange. Tyrone Wells opened for him. Did you see him at FPU? Anyhow, it wasn't the best show I've seen Matt give, but I love him anyway. Anyhow, he's going on tour with Dave Barnes (who is awesome as well) and they'll be in CA early next year. You and Brandi should totally go!

About Me

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I watch a lot of TV. I listen to a lot of music. I read a lot of magazines/books. I like to write about them all.