Saturday, May 05, 2007

Review: Spider-Man 3

The picture above pretty much sums up my feelings for the third Spider-Man film - pain.

Everyone's back of course, but when did things get so campy? Did I just blindly follow along the last 2 films? Because this time around, it's really hard to watch and take seriously. I know it's a movie based on comic books, but so was Batman Begins and that single film is better than the 3 Spidey movies combined. Sam Raimi's brilliant when it comes to the action scenes and the CG of course is amazing, but drawn out "dramatic" scenes alongside Tobey Maguire doing his best Jared Leto impression (eyeliner included...I'm not kidding), and dancing, DANCING! I felt really uncomfortable during a lot of this movie, it made me squirm how cheesy a lot of it was. Were the filmmakers purposefully trying to make a movie that only 11-year olds will lol to?

In the end, there are some good plot points and storylines that get wrapped up, but it's in the execution that this film fails. Go see it, nothing I say will stop you from going, and I probably would still go see it even after reading bad reviews. This movie will make a billion dollars no matter what, but at the end of the day, it's just sloppy sad film making.

1 comment:

Casey said...


i'm glad you are a man with some common i watched the third (and worst) spidey movie, i thought to myself, "wow, i realize this is a comic book movie but for heavens sake, this is REALLY cheesy."...the cheese-ometer pretty much went off the charts when he tap danced his way around the jazz bar looking like chris carrabba meets gregory hines...all in all very dissappointing

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