Saturday, March 19, 2005

friday night

i finished the first season of the o.c. tonight. maybe i shed a little tear, maybe i didn't. maybe you'll never know. good writing, good acting, great storylines, great great music....all equals some darn good tv. smallville could learn a couple lessons.

i read some of huck finn tonight as well for one of my classes.....its alright so far....don't get the hype. i'm only about 75 pgs into it, maybe the best is still to come? bring it twain i'm ready

so i 'm ready for some new music. weezer has a new one may 10th. i'm really looking forward to imogen heaps next solo album. and the next o.c. mix around the first of april.

this weekend will be pretty good. work tomorrow from 10 to 4:15-ish....then dinner with brandie and my parents in sanger. sunday brings church, watching a film for a class, then karaoke at night with miki and arnie.

equal parts pleasure and mild torture makes for a pretty ok weekend.


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I watch a lot of TV. I listen to a lot of music. I read a lot of magazines/books. I like to write about them all.